Friday, May 24, 2013

My Ultimate Brooks Man

Inspired by the buzz accompanying Baz Luhrmann’s film adaptation of The Great Gatsby, and also curious about the Brooks Brothers promotional tie-in, I was prompted to look again at one of my favorite photos of Lucius, my ultimate Brooks man.

If there ever was an American gentleman of distinction, then F. Scott Fitzgerald must have met Lucius in one of this cat’s former lives. Yes, I’ve seen the Facebook pages for “The Great Catsby,” and I have friends who named their cats Gatsby, but I’m talking about the real deal: a sartorially splendid feline.

Lucius, in his impeccably groomed orange-fur coat, could compete with Jay Gatsby or any 1920s-era guy who enjoyed strutting his stuff in a two-button plaid suit jacket with a matching vest.

Above is my Exhibit B (for Brooks Brothers): Lucius, in his prime, sitting inside a Brooks Brothers gift box. I have fond memories of Lucius playing with the gift-box ribbon. Perhaps he was trying to convey that he would gladly wear a striped bowtie to please me.

Query of the Day: Are your cats “into” Gatsby fashion?

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Show Me...the Butt

Please excuse the crude title of today's post, but, "show me the butt," is what I found myself saying to Miss Tommie today, on Mother's Day.

At my house, which extends to the garage apartment, we celebrate "Mama Kitty's Day," in our own way. Miss Tommie, who lives in the apartment with her feline mother, Lillie, chose the occasion to demonstrate her love for her Cat Lady plainly, and simply.

I could not have been more pleased when Miss Tommie raised her tiny rear end and glanced at me approvingly. I know, it's a far cry from being the center of attention at a fancy Mother's Day brunch. Still, I was touched, and Miss Tommie's form of love cannot be bought.

"Show Me the Butt" may just be the perfect jingle for all Cat Ladies having Mommy Time with their fur kids, right now!

Query of the Day: Can you feel the love?