Lucius has received a friendly reminder that the time has come to renew his Walgreens prescription card. In case you think I am kidding, check out the form letter signed by Walgreens’ Senior Vice President of Pharmacy Services.
If you need to buy prescription drugs for your cat, the Walgreens savings club is the way to go. With tiny insulin bottles costing $100 a pop, every penny counts.
The renewal notice coincided with my recent discovery that Lucius was avoiding his nightly dose of insulin. Gone were the evenings of his arriving on cue, eager to be poked in the butt, to put it bluntly. Much as I firmly believe that Lucius speaks to me, I couldn’t quite interpret his silent rejection of the medicine. Diabetes has ravaged his body, making him look very haggard and terribly thin. He needs insulin like many of us crave caffeine in the morning.
I called Dr. O. and shared my concerns. She explained that a very small percentage of cats go into what is termed “spontaneous remission.” Once she checked Lucius’s blood-sugar level, she confirmed that he had joined this minority. Had I not been suspicious and continued to give Lucius his insulin injections, per Dr. O’s previous orders, he would have probably overdosed and could have fallen into a diabetic coma.
That was then, several weeks ago, and this is now. Lucius’s blood-sugar level has reached the high-warning mark, and twice-daily injections are standing appointments on his schedule. I have advised Lucius to contact Walgreens immediately and to sign up for another year of helpful savings. I only wish there was a feline-only prescription club that sold certificates guaranteeing nine lives of perfect health for my special little man.
Query of the Day: Does your cat belong to a savings club?
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