Yes, it’s my birthday, and I’ll meow if I want to (with apologies to “It’s My Party” from the 1960s).
I was feted royally by our ten felines this morning. While out and about last week, Cat Man furtively selected a theme-appropriate gift from each cat to Cat Lady.
Because Lucius likes to stay close to me at all hours, he gave me a refreshing fragrance to wear at all hours. Lydia likes to coo and trill, and apparently she likes the most-recent album by Lily Allen and wanted me to have my own copy. Leo hits me up for treats as often as possible, and he reciprocated by giving me a snack-sized box of one of my favorite treats: Groaties, otherwise known as oatcakes from Scotland. Linus, L.B., and Alvar saved their pennies and advised Cat Man to give me the definitive biography of Nancy Mitford. I love my three amigos!
Lillie, who always smells so lovely, gave me Penhaligon’s Artemisia hand cream. Her daughters Miss Tommie and Perkins pursued the Mitford theme and gifted me with a new paperback edition of The Pursuit of Love. T.J. opened one of his large paws and pushed a Starbucks card in my direction.
If all of that is not enough to make a birthday girl happy, wait 'til I tell you what I got at the office: One dozen donuts and one dozen cupcakes to fuel a daylong sugar-high (and conveniently feed a staff of eleven “hungry girls”).
Keep those feline-inspired birthday cards coming! It’s my birthday for many more hours….
Query of the Day: Do your cats help you celebrate your birthday?
Happy belated Birthday!