Thursday, March 11, 2010

Not Yet

I keep hoping to write with the big announcement that I have found a home for Saint, but no such luck yet. I would like nothing better than to introduce a new leitmotif, to highlight other recurring themes in my blog postings. Call me obstinate, as I am having a difficult time accepting, after living in Houston for nearly twenty years, and being married to a seventh-generation Texan, that the two of us cannot identify one person to care for one cat. This has always been my simple mathematical formula: One person adopts one cat equals “makes a difference in the world.”

Perhaps my problem is that I am too grounded in reality. After all, there are now online games for young children and teenagers, such as FooPets, that enable users to “adopt” lifelike, digitally animated pets. These creatures become hungry, just like their living counterparts. FooPets obliges with “virtual goods” for sale, including food, which exists in the form of a photograph of a package proffered by a top pet-food manufacturer.

So, how do I, a middle-aged Cat Lady, crash the FooPets site and broadcast the news—to a community that numbers one million active members—that I really do have a real cat who needs real love and compassion, and who longs for a real home outside of the Web?

Query of the Day: Do you believe in “digital pets”?

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