Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Catoberfest 2012

What more could a Cat Lady have asked for on a cold “Caturday” in late October, when The Cat Doctor veterinary clinic hosted its annual client-appreciation event, “Catoberfest”?

I had a terrific time mingling with Dr. Caroline Oeben’s clients, who represent a wide range of cat lovers in the Houston community. As always, Dr. O. and her team were great ambassadors for felines.

I enjoyed learning about new feline products on the market, and I especially enjoyed playing with the cats available for adoption. Cat Man was manning the fort, ensuring that these cats would get noticed. Three cats were adopted, plus a one-month-old kitten who literally had just been rescued from a major intersection in downtown Houston. Meet Sophie, who knows she is a beauty. Seeing her reminds me of a recurring thought: Are the words “kitten” and “adorable” synonymous in your dictionary?

I also am excited to report that Dr. O.’s clients embraced
Cat Lady Chronicles with open arms. The MFAH Shop was invited to set up a satellite booth at the clinic and succeeded in selling nearly 50 copies. Meow! Twenty percent of the proceeds were donated to the Rescue Fund at The Cat Doctor.

Thanks to Dr. O. for a wonderful Catoberfest, and Happy Halloween to all!

Query of the Day: Will your cats greet trick-or-treaters tonight?

Monday, October 29, 2012


I think I have finally found a way to mask those, um, recurring odors that waft mightily from the litter boxes at Catland.

While visiting Target yesterday, I noticed a special promotion for Glade’s new and limited-edition fall collection of room fragrances. I bought the Rosemary Sage deodorizer spray, which I now realize smells a bit too much like a spice-infused turkey roasting in the oven. I am reserving this scent for Thanksgiving Day, just to reinforce the aromas in the kitchen.

The Maple Pumpkin spray is another story; it’s made for a pre-Halloween dousing at home. My cats love me even more because the scent makes them think I am about to dispense treats coated with maple syrup.

Glade describes its maple pumpkin flavor-of-the-month fragrance as “decadent.” I would advise that you use the spray sparingly, because a little goes a very long way. Or, if you want your house to smell like a Michaels craft store, then spray forcefully, and to your heart’s content.

Query of the Day: Can you believe I am writing about something other than a stray cat’s spray? Thankfully!

Monday, October 22, 2012


Before you start thinking, “Oh, no, don’t tell me she’s going there,” yes, I am going there. But let me explain.

I am not a Cats groupie, by any means. I saw the Broadway production once, when it first debuted, in 1982, only a few years after I graduated from college and was living in a tiny studio apartment on the Upper East Side. I remember bringing my 12-year-old brother, Matt, to a Saturday matinee. We ate lunch first at my favorite neighborhood coffee shop, the Viand, and then took a bus down Fifth Avenue and across town to the Winter Garden Theatre. I suppose I was training for my current Mama Kitty role–though I could not know it, then—because I am much older than Matt and felt protective of him as I led him through the bustling and noisy streets of the big city.

Interestingly, a few of my friends who have read Cat Lady Chronicles have referenced the TV commercials that accompanied the longest-running musical of all time, in which people leaving the theatre gushed about Cats’s “awesome” multisensory production values. One friend wrote, “I laughed, I cried, and I can honestly say that I enjoyed the experience better than Cats.” Are you listening, Andrew Lloyd Webber?

Now, thirty years after the first Broadway performance of Cats, I have grown up to become Cat Lady, and my first cat, Lucius, can only reminisce about his youthful “days in the sun.” I, too, cherish my memories of those early days of discovering why I love cats. I am buoyed by that love, and, thanks to my feline family, I most certainly “understand what happiness is.”

Query of the Day: Is "Memory" your favorite song from Cats?

Monday, October 8, 2012

"O Romeo, Romeo! ...”

I have many BFFs in the feline world, and then, there is the one-and-only Romeo. As “The Bard” himself wrote, "Did my heart love till now?”

Why do I love Romeo so much? Let me explain. Most of my friends who are authors serve as curators at art museums. They are accustomed to having their books reviewed in scholarly journals. I am willing to bet that not one of my friends has received a paws-up endorsement like the one I received from Romeo.

I am extremely flattered that Romeo has encouraged feline enthusiasts to read my Cat Lady Chronicles. In fact, Romeo confessed that his “staff” could not put the book down. I owe you one, Romeo!

Query of the Day: Does your cat write and publish book reviews?